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Through Faith

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

By Tony Cameneti

It takes faith to understand how the worlds were made.

Question: How did all the outlandish theories of the way life began on earth come about?
Answer: They came about by people who didn’t have faith to understand God’s account of creation.

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Hebrew 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds came into being, and still exist, at the command of God, so that what is seen does not owe its existence to that which is visible. (WYMTH)

Here are the facts from God’s account of creation:

  • The worlds came into being by a command of God.

  • They actually still exist because of God’s command, not anything that people have done.

  • What we see now did not previously exist.

  • So creation was spoken into existence by God, or another way to say it, what we now see did not create itself.

  • God commanded them into existence out of nothing.

  • The only big bang that we should acknowledge is when God Himself commanded and creation came into existence!

  • That was “THE” big bang! :)

It would be safe to say: “God clearly saw what He wanted to create in His heart, and He spoke it into existence”

When we clearly see and believe one of His promises in our hearts, our next step is to speak it out.

For Example: By His stripes I AM healed!!

Lots of love, Pastor Tony


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