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What is that sound?
What is that sound that I hear?
It's the sound of many feet.
It's the sound of beautiful feet.
It's the sound of feet going forth with the Good News.

Rhema Ministerial Association Australia

In 1950, the Lord spoke to Kenneth E. Hagin and told him to “Go teach My people faith”, to activate the believer with the knowledge of who they are in Christ and how to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Rhema Bible College began in 1979 and since then multitudes of graduates and fellow believers have received from the ministry and teaching of Brother Hagin. Many of these have been called into ministry and are playing a major role preparing the Body of Christ for the last-days revival that will usher in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

To help and support these ministers, Rhema Ministerial Association International was introduced in 1985. We are not alone in this work, but together we will do our part.

In 2010, Rhema Ministerial Association Australia was formed as an Australian counterpart to RMAI as well as an Australian legal denomination for servicing RBTCA graduates eligible for ministry credentials.

RMAA also welcomes application for credentialing from non-Rhema graduates who are in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, who have the same heart for ministry and are willing to adhere to RMAA’s Tenets of Faith and Code of Conduct.

Our Story

RMAA Vision

We see a ministerial fellowship of likeminded ministers (both Rhema Graduates and others) who are committed to ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Australia and surrounding nations and to take our part in preparing the Body of Christ for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Credentialing Options

Specialised Minister

This category consists of those who are ministering in a specialised area of ministry such as, but not limited to children, youth, worship, outreach, chaplaincy, prison or para-church organisation, etc.

Applicants for this option may begin with this credential option and move to the ordained credential after a period of 2 years if that is more appropriate.

Applicants may also remain in this credentialing status indefinitely if that is the best credential for operating in ministry.

Licenced Minister

This category is for those who demonstrate a clear indication of a divine call and God-given ability that reflects the ministry gifts found in Ephesians 4:11-12. This applicant will also demonstrate a personal purpose to devote his/her life to the preaching of the Gospel and serving the Kingdom.

These applicants will be engaged in ministry that can be in the local church or beyond the local church.

Applicants for this option may begin with this credential option and move to the ordained credential after a period of 2 years if that is deemed more appropriate.

Ordained Minister

After a period of two years as a Specialised Minister or Licenced Minister applicants may apply for Ordained Minister credentials. This category is for those who have a demonstrated ministry gifting as described in Ephesians 4:11-12 either within the local church or beyond the local church.

This category also allows the minister to apply to be registered to solemnise marriages within Australia, providing the minister is a resident of Australia

Overeseas Associate Minister

An Overseas Associate Minister is one who is living and ministering outside Australia. You may hold a credential with an accrediting body within your place of overseas residence, but you have also in the opinion of the Administrative Committee a distinct ministry and clear connectedness with the RMAA that makes the maintenance of the relationship advantageous

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